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DIABB Maths Rules

DIABB Maths Rules

*Yearly Depreciation =   Cost – Salvage Value
                                         Estimated Life
*Statement of Investment Cost:
Cost of Machine               =
Add: Working Capital      =
Total                                 = ----------------
                                              Statement Of Cash inflow
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Profit Before Depreciation & Tax

Less: Depreciation

Earnings Before Tax

Less: Tax %

Earnings After Tax

Add: Depreciation

Cash Before Terminal Cash inflow

Add: Salvage Value

Add: Working Capital

Net Cash Inflow

                                          Calculation Of Payback Period:
Cash Inflow
Cumulative Cash Inflow





1. Payback Period: A+ NCO  - C    Here: A= The year in which cumulative cash Inflow
                           D                         Comes nearer to NCO        
                                                        NCO= Net Cash Outlay
                                                        C= Cumulative Cash Inflow of the Year A.
                                            D= Cash Inflow of the Year Following The year A.
2.ARR (Average rate of Return)= Average EAT           x 100
                                     Average Investment
Averages EAT= Total  EAT
Average Investment= Net Working Capital + Initial Investment+ Salvage Value
3.ROI (Return On Investment)= Average EAT      x100
                                   Total Investment
                           Table For Calculation Of NPV, PI, NPI, IRR
Net Cash Inflow
DF %(A)





Total PV of Cash inflow=
Less: Investment            =
NPV(Net Present Value)=
4.NPV= Total PV Of Cash Inflow – NCO       10. NCB= Total CFAT/NO: Of Years

5.PI=      TPV     x 100                                       6. NPI= PI - 100
         PV of NCO
7.PV OF PBP= A+  PV of NCO – C           8. PBR=       1    x100
                                                    D                                                    PBP
IRR=A+       C       x (B-A)  Here:    A=Lower Discounting Rate=
                   C-D                                B=Higher Discounting Rate=
                                                         C= NPV of Lower Discount Factor=
                                                         D= NPV of Higher Discount Factor=
For Positive NPV= NPV Negative Hole DF% Komate Hobe Minimum 10%
Since The Project PI<1 , Hence it is not wise to select the project.
PI>1 = Accept
NPV (+) = Acceptable
TPV>NCO Acceptable

                                                                 Company Name
                       Statement Of Cost/ Cost Of Goods Manufactured/Cost of Goods Sold
                                                For The Year Ended 30 June,2013

Raw Materials:
Opening  Raw Materials
Add: Purchase Raw Materials
Add: Carriage Inwards/Freight In
Total Cost Of Purchase
Less: Purchase Return And Allowance
Less: Purchase Discount
Net Cash Of Purchase
Raw Materials Available For Use
Less: Ending Raw Materials
Raw Materials Consumed
Add: Direct Labor/ Wages
Add: Other Direct Expense(Factory wages, Production Wages, Manufacturing Wages)
Prime Cost
Add: Factory Overhead:
Indirect ‡jLv me ai‡Yi  Expense
Factory/ Work Gi mv‡_ †jLv  Expenses
Depreciation For Plant, Machine, Tools, Equipment
Coal, Gas, Water
Drawing Office Salary
Works Welfare Expense
Insurance/Premium For Factory
Total Manufacturing / Factory Overhead
Less: Sale Of Scrap
Total Manufacturing Cost/ Factory Cost/ Works Cost
Add: Beginning Work in Process
Total Cost Of Input
Less: Ending Work In Process
Cost Of Goods Manufacture / Production Cost
Add: Beginning Finished Goods Inventory
Cost Of Goods Available For Sale
Less: Ending Finished Goods Inventory
Cost Of Goods Sold
Add: Administrative Expense(Office Salary, Rent Exp, Insurance Exp, Utilities Exp, Supplies Exp, Depreciation Exp-Office Furniture)
Add: Selling Expense: ( Advertising Exp, Carriage Out, Freight Out, Delivery Exp, Salesman Salary, Depreciation On Store Equipment)
Total cost
Add:  Profit



                                               Name Of The Company
                                 Statement Of the Cash Flow (Indirect Method)
                                                For The Year Ended 2013
Net Income:

(1)Cash Follow From Operating Activities

Add: Non Cash Exp.

Depreciation Exp. ( Building, Equipment)

Amortization Exp.(Patent)

Amortization Of Discount On Bonds Payable

Add: Decrease In Accounts Receivable

         Decrease In Merchandize Inventory

         Decrease In Prepaid Expense

         Increase In Accounts Payable

         Increase In Accrued Expense Payable

         Loss On Sale Of Any Fixed Assets (Investment, Equipment)

Less: Increase In Accounts Receivable

          Increase In Merchandise Inventory

          Increase In Prepaid Expense

          Decrease In Account Payable

          Decrease In Accrued Expense Payable

          Gain Of Sale of any fixed Assets (Investment, Equipment)

          Income Tax Paid

Net Cash Provided By Operating Activities:

(2)Cash Follow From Investing  Activities:

Add: Cash Received From Sale Of Trading Securities

          Cash Received From Sale Of Any Fixed Assets ( Equipment)

 Less: Cash Purchase Of Any Fixed Assets

Net Cash Provided By Investing  Activities:

(3)Cash Follow From Financing  Activities:

Add: Cash Received From Issuance Of Bonds Payable

          Cash Received From Issuance Of Short Term Notes Payable

          Cash Received From Issuance Of Common Stock

          Cash Received From Issuance Of Share/ Stock

Less: Payment Of Cash Dividend

         Cash Paid For Treasurer Stock

         Cash Paid For Redemption Of Bonds

         Cash Paid For Retirement Of Bonds

Net Cash Provided By Financing   Activities:

Net Changes In Cash During The Year

Add: Beginning Balance Of Cash

Ending Balance Of Cash:



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